Under the forums section click on "Sig Gallery" and then "Post".
Title the subject: Need a new sig.
Here are the guidelines:
> Standard size is 400 x 120
> What theme would you like?
> What main text, example: your name or what ever you would like.
> What subtext? A phrase or quote.
> Do you have any pictures that you would like incorporated? Yes/No
> Do you want your sig light or dark in color? Yes/No
Once your request is submitted, one of the graphics team members will pick the request up and have if back to you as soon as possible.
Please keep in mind we do this on our spare time so please be patient as we work on your sig.
i would like two matching pistols with extended mags
something like this
and color dont matter just be creative lol
How does this strike you? Think based on what you posted and mentioned before this might be what you're looking for. If you want to tweak anything let me know.
Put the Alpha symbol below the guns. That what you had in mind?
Already sent it to Mr. T. Should get a link from him soon to use.