Joined: Apr 20, 2009
Posts: 128
I'm still in the process of unlocking all the weapons (again) where my favorite builds were:
Legacy favorite:
M1 Garand / scoped
M1A1 / aperture sight
overkill, irons lungs, betty
For now:
M1 Garand scoped w/stopping power, deep impact, betty
MP40 / aperture sight
stopping power, deep impact, bomb squad
SVT, scope (which i like that its not a full blown scope like the sniper rifles), stopping power, deep impact, betty
Joined: Mar 17, 2009
Posts: 54
Location: Indianapolis, IN
i don't have a favorite gun yet but my favorite perk is second chance

Joined: May 10, 2009
Posts: 5
FG42 with iron or scope with slight of hands deepimpact and bandolaier

Joined: Mar 13, 2009
Posts: 3070
you know im gonna say betty's betty's and more betty's.....
if im not winning with my ariasaka (cant spell) with bayonet, betty's, juggernaught, 2nd chance then I usually go with gerand or gewrehr with nade launcher, juggernaught and deep impact.
but I do like playing with all the guns just for a bit of mixing up.....its fun and all good!!!

Joined: Mar 29, 2009
Posts: 286
Location: Chilliwack BC
SVT 40(with flash hider) Deep Impact,Stopping Power, Bandolier
Joined: May 15, 2009
Posts: 2
Location: Canada
I'm only at level 42 right now... I have two fav loadouts
1 - BAR with sleight of hand, deep impact and betty's
2 svt with telescopic sight, juggernaught and 2 betty's
I occasionally pick up a grand with a tele on it, and quite like that too!
My memory isn't as good as it used to be. Also, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.