Joined: Nov 23, 2009
Posts: 64
Location: Chattanooga, TN/Ringgold, GA
Hey all, I'm currently playing BF3 as PawPaw_Jody. It seems as though my screen name "CADFather" that I've used for every game I've ever played was already taken. So look for me on the BK server from time to time, I'm easy to spot as I'm always in someones sights.
If you run, you will only die tired.
Ne Desit Virtus, Rakkassan (B Co. 1/187 Inf, 101st Abn Div.)

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Location: Taos Missouri
Joined: Jan 09, 2010
Posts: 829
Yeah you would change it in Origin to "CADFather-BK-" and that should allow you to use your name. Also with the -BK- on there you will be able to give warnings for language, running, etc.