Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:57 am
Hello everyone
I know most of u don't know me but for the people that do and might of wondered where i went here is a update on me and why i have not been around. I was always a off in on player through my time in BK but around 2011 was when i think i became the most inactive because i started my paramedic class and afterwords is when i started becoming burned out because i tried to get back in with bf3 and i just was not having as much fun as i use to. i then got out of the modern fps genre and started playing ones like TF2 CS:GO and a few others which also now have grown to be less fun for me. When bf4 came out i thought i would see if i could get back into the genre to no avail which does sadden me because of all the good memory's i had with u all. i personally am doing fine and i am healthy, about 1 and half years ago i finished my major parts of my schooling which is my EMS and Fire certifications and got a job working as a paramedic for a ambulance company, and still have time to play all different types of games. i hope u are all the same and i going to try to be more active on the forums and maybe we can find some other types of game to play.

I know most of u don't know me but for the people that do and might of wondered where i went here is a update on me and why i have not been around. I was always a off in on player through my time in BK but around 2011 was when i think i became the most inactive because i started my paramedic class and afterwords is when i started becoming burned out because i tried to get back in with bf3 and i just was not having as much fun as i use to. i then got out of the modern fps genre and started playing ones like TF2 CS:GO and a few others which also now have grown to be less fun for me. When bf4 came out i thought i would see if i could get back into the genre to no avail which does sadden me because of all the good memory's i had with u all. i personally am doing fine and i am healthy, about 1 and half years ago i finished my major parts of my schooling which is my EMS and Fire certifications and got a job working as a paramedic for a ambulance company, and still have time to play all different types of games. i hope u are all the same and i going to try to be more active on the forums and maybe we can find some other types of game to play.