Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 3:13 pm
well what to say
i just watch the reveal and it is truly amazing.
a single gtx 1080 out performs gtx 980 sli
no only that it out performs the best titan X
the have also created and ingame camera system that can capture upto 61440 x 34560 (that is 32x higher than full HD and 16x high then 4K)
and lots more.
and with the titan X price coming in at around $1000 how much is this card going to set you back
scroll down to find out
Thats right only $2000
ok i'm joking it's only $600- $700 (msrp - manufactures suggested retail price) for the gtx 1080
and $500 - $600 (mspr)for the gtx 1070
I know thats not cheap per say, but hey considering it's better than 2 gtx 980's in sli and even a titan x its and only 2/3 of the cost thats gooooood
and coming out may 27th
heres the release video if you want to watch the whole thing
It is Going To Hurt
i just watch the reveal and it is truly amazing.
a single gtx 1080 out performs gtx 980 sli
no only that it out performs the best titan X
the have also created and ingame camera system that can capture upto 61440 x 34560 (that is 32x higher than full HD and 16x high then 4K)
and lots more.
and with the titan X price coming in at around $1000 how much is this card going to set you back
scroll down to find out
Thats right only $2000
ok i'm joking it's only $600- $700 (msrp - manufactures suggested retail price) for the gtx 1080
and $500 - $600 (mspr)for the gtx 1070
I know thats not cheap per say, but hey considering it's better than 2 gtx 980's in sli and even a titan x its and only 2/3 of the cost thats gooooood
and coming out may 27th
heres the release video if you want to watch the whole thing

It is Going To Hurt