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TeamSpeak and the game

Joined: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 1144
Location: Chicagoland
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:01 pm
Is there any possibilty of less satellite tv and hip surgery talk and perhaps more about the game. It is sometimes difficult to warn somebody about their imminent death when people are yapping. It seems to be getting worse lately. Perhaps some sort of reminder?

Don't mean to offend anyone.

Joined: Aug 01, 2007
Posts: 375
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:37 pm
well, this is kind of a delicate subject i think. in one hand we should be talking and getting to know each other better, BK its more than a gaming clan, its a big worldwide family. even if we talk about our real life issues. in the other hand its true what nematode says, sometimes i have tried to warn people or just say hi and its kind of hard to jump in. so finding that balance its going to be hard.

our DD friends sometimes they dont even play, they just join Ventrilo and have a nice chit-chat. theres plenty of channels in TS to have "private" chatting rooms.

Joined: Feb 13, 2009
Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:15 am
Personally, I think there should be two new rooms added. Public Server 1 (we already have public server 2), and then General Chatting.

The welcome channel will be what it is now. A cross between social interaction and gaming. Neither will be the focus. It's where new players will come in and say hi, it's where people in both severs will be talk about where a sniper is, it's where people will discuss game rules or how much they dislike a certain weapon. Public Server 1 will be where we encourage players to go when they are on that server (much like we do with public server 2) so they can be social / warn others of their imminent death for that server. General Chat will be where all the purely social, albeit appropriate chatting, should take place.

If we do this, then all we have to do is moderate the Teamspeak server a bit and just ask them to move to the appropriate channel. If they can't move themselves, move them with super admin powers.

Joined: Jul 26, 2007
Posts: 209
Location: Norwalk (LA), CA, US
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:51 am
It all depends what channel you are in.  The lobby is for general chat.  I have witnessed some of us trying to "shush" others for making small talk, but it was in the lobby.  They are more than welcome to act as such there.  If you are in game, please be sure to move to an appropriate channel.


Joined: Feb 13, 2009
Posts: 22
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:29 am
There is no appropriate channel for Public Server 1, however. As a result, the lobby becomes the channel for server 1 and everyone else gets exiled to other channels. When I'm in channel for server 2 I feel a bit left out if people are talking and having fun in welcome channel. I'd rather focus on social communications first, and game second. I say this, because when we do matches or when I want to be alone with people for better in game communications I can easily just make a channel or join one of the co-op or already made channels.

If I want to socialize with people just meeting us for the first time in teamspeak, or other bk members, it's hard to do when the only choices are public server 2 and welcome A.K.A. public server 1 Game Talk only.

Just how I feel.

Joined: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 1144
Location: Chicagoland
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:01 pm
Well here is an example of the problem. I believe but can't swear on it I was on server 2 channel and a guy came on that works for a satellite tv company. He found out a member was in his companys location. He then went on a 5 minute sales pitch about how superior his satellite service is to cable. I had to talk over him  to warn people when they where walking into entrenched enemy. Repeatedly. A dedicated server for server 1 is needed. But we may want to somehow publicize the purpose of the different rooms. I wasn't aware that server 2 room was war related while the default server 1 was for welcoming people and selling insurance.

Just kidding but you get what I'm saying.

Joined: Mar 02, 2009
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Location: Baltimore
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:34 pm
Hey, all BKeaons, Im still new at being in a clan. I am slowly acclamating my self to this socialistic ritual. I am enjoying it, as well. After reading this page I have to admit; that there is a problem with the conversations groups in TS. Not to side With Nematoad. But the conversation have nothing to do with the game at times, I get fustrated because I want to warn a team mate about eminnate death but have to wait for the person to finish there conversation that has nothing to do with the game. I try to be respectful and keep my mouth shut about it.  I never did like sharing the floor with Drama Queens but some days they seem to rule TS channels. The other problem is that if I want to change rooms,when I  hit my windows key to change rooms in ts, I will get the black screen of death than have to reboot the game and find that the server I was in, is full and have to go to the second one. I feel if we could have a Lobby for the new and the chatty, and a simple password to get to the BK members Only to the rooms where the  servers are, and if a new person wants in, they will be explained the rules and the BK member will usher him in to the other two TS rooms. Hey just an idea, not an oppinion, now I am going to get some game time in.

Some people talk just to hear thier own voice and some to warn a Teammate!!!!!!

Joined: Jan 21, 2009
Posts: 50
Location: Toledo,Ohio
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:09 pm
You know what I think about this subject. I think people should talk it breaks ice between new and old. I do not think seperating people who want to talk and people who dont will make a better change. You still wouldnt be able to warn everyone of the death that is comming. I have also learned you just talk over them. People come and play everyday and there are members of BK and people who are not BK who chat when they get on to TS, I think it is also somewhat selfish to shun people away who want to have conversation. I like all of the members of BK and I understand the complaint. It does get out of line sometimes, but this arguement comes hand in hand. I do not see a way to get it to change, I think everyone just needs to adjust to it...

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Joined: Mar 07, 2009
Posts: 244
Location: Chicago, IL - USA
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:23 pm
I've read the posts concerning this issue.

Here is my take on it.

First, I respect the idea of members getting to know each other.  After all, until you get to know anybody, you are pretty much an outsider.

But, i am the realistic kind too.  There is really no advantage in being in a channel with multiple conversations going on, especially when 2-3 have the channel locked up for their conversation of whatever other than the game.

I usually opt to not be in TS at all when I feel overwhelmed.

Serperate or passworded channels seem the best idea.  Not trying to take away from Luke's idea of getting to know someone, but, in a chaotic format, I opt for tranquility.

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