Hey Guy's My Fix's to BO
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Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

#1: Hey Guy's My Fix's to BO Author: Lolasaurous PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:41 pm
This is my first post but it's relevant to this topic and I've spent lots of time on forums so most of the time I have a general understanding of how they work.

For those that are having problems after the latest patch. After tons and tons of playing around with the config file trying to get my game to run as smooth as possible I found out at least for me most of the settings that I changed did relatively nothing. I then came across a thread with the following fix.

It's just 2 console commands.


I do them each at the beginning of every round and my game runs better then ever. Better then playing with all the config settings better then lowering all my graphical setting, just better all around. Now I can crank my setting and use those commands and the game is enjoyable and playable.

And all it took was those 2 commands.

I share this hoping that at least some one else will be helped by this. I was so happy when i found this and tried it and it worked!

#2: Re: Hey Guy's My Fix's to BO Author: DELETED PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:26 pm
thx. I was searching for the fix.

#3: Re: Hey Guy's My Fix's to BO Author: CapZacLocation: Detroit, MI PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:53 pm
Does the 'stoprecord' mean that steam won't be recording your gameplay as usual?
Why wouldn't you modify these commands in the config file rather than having to do it via console before every round?

Bad Karma -> CoD: Black Ops

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