Well for my two cents here, which really don't amount to much, here goes anyway.
Calibur, your a man with a child and real life things are a priority to you. Child rearing is job #1. I can relate as a father of three grown kids and three grandchildren. So do as you have to in order to do what you must. But to resign is silly.
Sure we are all BK and responsible for warning players of violations, but only if we are on that server and see them doing so, and have the time.
As far as being a glitcher, taking advantage of map glitches is part of the game, like being called a hacker is. That only happens if your really good. Wish I had that trouble.
And for FirstCav saying anything about it. Sure if your on the same server, I might myself ask for help in warning folks, specially if it a run fest. It was not in bad taste for him to ask for the help, but to pursue it further, specially if drinking and wasted, might be a bit too much. I would advise that if your BK, and getting a bit too tipsy, then you may want to mute your mic, it you tend to get angry, like I do. So I don't drink anymore, or at least not alot......glug glug.
In all, as Bk we have a responsibility to police our servers. Warning when needed, kick and ban if your an admin. Its our servers, thus our job so to speak. But only if we do not have real life issues that are interfering with our ability to do the job.
You should not leave Bk for this reason, its silly to do so. Play, have fun, and if you need to, mute someone on TS if they are bothering you that much. And warn folks like we all should do.
Lets all continue in the Polite and Friendly way that BK is known for.
Nuff said.
Vrai A La Fin