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Just a few days ago, after a few medical worries over the past couple years, my wife Allison came down stairs with tears in her eyes and a joyful exspression on her voice in little more than a whisper told me she was pregnant! This is a huge blessing and I'm so very excited I just had to tell my BK family, as the rest of my family and inlaws will find out this afternoon at our fathers. Day BBQ.
There are many ways to die. Be glad it wasn't slower.

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Ah, those distant memories!

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Congraulations ! All the best to you both (well three) x
Mini Yet Mighty !
In Omnia paratus

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Kortuse, that is awesome news, my firend! My wife and I have been down the medical road with pregnancies as well, so we know the stress and struggle it can be. My prayers will be with you...

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Big grats to both of u......
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hey congrats man its a life changer but the pay off is knowing that u have done your part to keep the human race goin good job your home will truly blessed, anyone can be a dad it takes a real man to be a father good job and wish you and your new family all the best. oh and i best be gettin a cigar in the mail aye!!! lol

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Well Happy Father's Day Kortuse!!!
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Congrats, Cherish every moment Kortuse! They grow so darn fast!
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
-Abraham Lincoln-
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Congratulations to you both!